Student Expectations

Students playing a golf game outside


Centennial is a place of learning. In order to achieve this purpose, high standards of student conduct are expected, inside and outside the classroom. These standards are based on mutual respect and responsibility–for oneself, toward classmates, adults and for property. These standards will enable students to develop self -discipline, self-esteem and problem-solving skills. Centennial has adopted a positive behavior program that focuses on the following Habits of Scholarship – qualities we wish to foster in all our students throughout the day:

W – Wonder
R – Responsibility
L – Leadership
D – Determination

C – Compassion
A – Advocacy
R – Respect
E – Empathy

Concurrent to this focus on these Habits of Scholarship, we also use Restorative Practices. The Restorative Practices process collaboratively identifies the harm done by one’s actions and establishes a way to repair the harm.

Bullying Prevention & Intervention presentation

Bully Prevention cover

Dress Code

Students should come to school looking clean, neat and dressed in a manner that is appropriate and not distracting. The Denver Board of Education passed a “Zero Gang Tolerance” policy in 1992 which states that no clothing associated with gangs are to be allowed in any DPS school building. Students should dress for weather – especially on inclement weather or field trip days. Please label all outer garments and your child’s backpack with their full name.